The Geological Agency (GAI)

The Geological Agency (GAI) is one of the key units under the administration of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR), Republic of Indonesia. The Geological Agency is responsible for conducting research, investigations, and providing services in the disciplines of geological resources, volcanology and geological hazard mitigation, groundwater and environmental geology, and geological surveys. By the end of December 2022, the Geological Agency had 1039 personnel with 368 undergraduate and 252 postgraduate qualifications.

The Geological Agency plays an important role in supporting the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) that is related to eight geological aspects, namely: agroecology, climate change, energy, engineering geology, geohazards, geoheritage and geotourism, hydrogeology and contaminant geology, and minerals and rock materials. In terms of minerals resources, the Geological Agency prioritizes two aspects: a) assisting in the transition from fossil fuels to new and renewable energy in order to achieve net zero emissions, and b) increasing the country's foreign currency reserves. The activities include exploration for strategic minerals such as tin, copper, gold, bauxite, nickel, and iron, with the goal of increasing reserve resilience. In addition, a preliminary inventory and exploration were conducted for critical minerals required by strategic industries, such as rare earth metals, lithium, graphite, and quartz.

Further information about GAI can be found at and YouTube Channel