Project tittle: Building HPC Infrastructure and HPC Capacity for ASEAN Data Utilization

Budget: USD 10.00M

Proponent: Korea Institute of Science and technology Information (KISTI)

Period: 2024-2028


Project Description

This project is consisted of three activities. i) GPU/NPU-based HPC construction, ii) development of science & technology knowledge platform, iii) digital competence training.  The project should consider capturing and consolidating the resource requirements for HPC and AI of other ASEAN initiatives, i.e., Regional Research Infrastructure (ASEAN RRI Task Force), Network on Microbial Utilization (AnMicro), Technology Management Hub (TMH Task Force), Talent Mobility (Talent Mobility Task Force), etc. Integrating HPC resources with existing infrastructure in ASEAN countries might pose technical challenges.


Introduction of Proponents/Implementing Agencies(KISTI)

The Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information is a national research institute for securing national competitiveness through systematic construction of science and technology R&D infrastructure with the following mandates:

  • Comprehensive collection, analysis, and management of science and technology and related industrial information
  • Professional research and research on technology, policies, standardization, etc. related to the analysis, management and distribution of information
  • Systematic establishment and operation of advanced information and R&D infrastructure