Project Title: Clean Air for Sustainable ASEAN (CASA) 

Budget: USD 11M

Proponent: Seoul National University (SNU)

Period: 2022-2026


Project Description

The 4 years project aims to provide comprehensive support for ASEAN Member States (AMS) to mitigate air pollution and its negative impact on health through political, scientificm and technical measures. The project is composed of four primary outcomes. Outcomes 1 is to raise understanding of the source and health impact of air pollution. Each AMS will find the mahor sources of air pollutants in their selected major cities by understanding the composition of particulate and gaseous air pollutants. The health impact assessment will enable each AMS to understand the health benefit of improving air quality. In particular, the result of the health impact assessment will be a scientific basis for air pollution policy development by comparing the health benefits and economic impacts of air pollution policy. Outcome 2 is to improve access to information on the statis of air pollution. the situatuin analysis to recommend locations of air pollution monitoring stations in AMS will be conducted using satellute (GEMS operated by Korea MOE) and ground data. 

Based on the situation analysis, air quality monitoring stations will be installed and managed, especially for countries with a limited number of monitoring stations. The project team will train local authorities to maintain the stations. A regional platform will be developed to incorporate air quality monitoring stations and satellite data. Outcome 3 will raise the preparedness and capacity of AMS to address air pollution. The project will develop regional guidance and resources for the AMS response to air pollution and its health impacts. Outcome 4 will develop regional policy to mitigate air pollution. The project will develop a policy recommendation for Clean Air of ASEAN under the coordination of participating agencies.


Introduction of Proponents/Implementing Agencies

Seoul National University (SNU)

As Korea’s first national institution for higher education, Seoul National University (SNU) is now a world-class university that proudly represents the Republic of Korea. SNU consists of 82 departments from 15 colleges and 12 graduate schools, with 2,141 full-time faculty, 16,045 undergraduates, and 11,879 graduate students (7,966 master's and 3,913 doctoral degrees). Graduate school of public health (GSPH, and the College of Medicine( will perform CASA project. GSPH has been positioning itself as a core institution for public health research and education that encompasses humans and the environment and is faithfully fulfilling its social role in health promotion. College of Medicine is the leading medical educational institution that provides special education and training under the mission of nurturing competent healthcare providers and scientists.