Project: KONNECT ASEAN – An ASEAN-ROK Art and Culture Programme

Proponent: ASEAN Foundation

Period: 13 July 2020 - 31 January 2024


Project Summary

Launched in 2020, KONNECT ASEAN is a program implemented by the ASEAN Foundation, aimed to strengthen the ASEAN Community by promoting the ASEAN Identity through cultural exchanges between ASEAN and Korea. Funded by the ASEAN – Korea Cooperation Fund (AKCF), the program aligns with the ASEAN Strategic Plan for Culture and the Arts (2016-2025) and the ASEAN – ROK Plan of Action (2016-2020). Over four years, KONNECT ASEAN focused on contemporary visual arts, delivering 24 outputs including two publications. The programme comprises exhibitions, residencies, conferences, forums, and publications.

Project Achievement

Within its four years of implementation, KONNECT ASEAN had been implemented in 6 countries and involved a total of 309 artists and professionals from ASEAN and ROK in their diverse activities. With the involvement of quality artists from ASEAN and ROK in this program, it allows multiple perspectives to enrich the program. Further, this program also opened more opportunities for the artists and curators across the region and ROK to collaborate not only during the program.

With the number of activities and artists involved, during the implementation, some of the activities had to be changed, postponed, and rescheduled due to the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020-2021.

Art Exhibition

KONNECT ASEAN partnered with government institutions and private museums for exhibitions that support the implementation of the ASEAN Strategic Plan for Culture and the Arts 20216-2025 through the promotion of a multi-stakeholder approach and ASEAN Identity. KONNECT ASEAN Art Exhibitions, both online and offline, include:

  • Stories Across Rising Lands (SARL) – Art exhibit at Museum Macan, 2021
  • Jogja Biennale “Bilik Korea”, 2021
  • KONNECT ASEAN Art Residency Programme, 2023
  • ASEAN on Paper – ASEAN Culture House, Busan
  • Shifting Orientations
    • Cast But One Shadow: Afro-Southeast Asian Affinities – UP Vargas Museum, Manila (2022)
    • To A Faraway Friend: Beyond Afro-Southeast Asian Affinities – ASEAN Culture House, Busan (2022) – Virtual Tour
  • ASEAN Sculpture Garden Project – Virtual Tour

 Educational Outreach Programme

Two activities were conducted:  

  • Educational Outreach Programme by Museum MACAN (online)

Conducted at the same time as the Art Exhibition at Museum MACAN, there were four outreach programmes conducted to promote the SARL not only as an exhibition, but also as an intercultural forum that gathered artists, curators, scholars, and the public based in Southeast Asia, Korea, and beyond.

  • External Assessment Summer School

This is a one-week long summer programme with lectures and workshops providing practical skills and theoretical frameworks.

Community Art Exhibits and Workshop              

KONNECT ASEAN managed to implement four activities for the community art exhibits and workshops. Significantly increased the community artists' involvement, Chiang Mai Print residency and Unheard Stories were designed to cater to the need-based programming. Furthermore, these activities enhanced interaction among community artists in ASEAN and Korea.

Moreover, the One Community Arts Convention was held online, and Climate Futures #2 was held in person. These activities supported cultural rights for inclusive and sustainable development and aimed to preserve living traditions, local knowledge, and at-risk intangible heritage as outlined in the ASEAN Strategic Plan for Culture and Arts 2016-2025.

  • Unheard StoriesDisappearing Ecologies: Climate Futures 1, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Chiang Mai x Busan Art on Print Project
  • One Community Arts Convention, online
  • Unheard Stories – Disappearing Ecologies: Climate Futures 2, Siam Reap, Cambodia

Documentation and Publication

Throughout its four years, KONNECT ASEAN aimed to increase the availability of documentation related to contemporary SEA arts through documentation and publication. Notable publications include:

  1. Coffee table publication of the art collection in the ASEAN Gallery
  2. KONNECT ASEAN: End of Programme Publication